Q&A: What are the best humidity levels for farming BSF?

The environmental conditions in which Black Soldier Flies are reared play a major role in the breeding and production process. In this article, we provide an overview of the optimal conditions for adult black soldier flies and for rearing Black Soldier Fly larvae.
Cool and moist
In terms of larval habitat, larvae of the black soldier fly prefer shade and are averse to direct, intense sunlight. Because the larvae prefer cool and moist places to live in, direct sunlight causes the larvae to move deeper into the food layer, up to about 8 inches deep, to escape the sunlight. Artificial light can also be used with adult flies, with different types of blue and green light being successful in stimulating mating.
Also, conditions should not be too wet or too dry. The larvae develop most rapidly at a humidity level of about 70%. Control of humidity is very important in the breeding process, as the larvae are very sensitive to dehydration, which makes them less vital and negatively affects their growth. If the humidity is too high, the larvae will have problems breathing. They cannot breathe through the pores in their exoskeleton in a too humid environment. If possible, exposure to air and noise pollution should be avoided, as they have been shown to have a negative effect on their growth.
Constant monitoring for optimal conditions
In addition, it is important to keep the substrate at the proper moisture level. If it is too dry, the larvae may become cemented in the substrate. However, while a substrate that is too wet impedes their breathing. In an ideal situation, the humidity level of the substrate should also be between 60%-70%. For adult Black Soldier Flies wanting to mate, the optimum humidity level does not have a great effect. Here, it can range from 30%-90%. Nevertheless, the air and substrate humidity should be extensively controlled. This can be done using special climate systems, which also allow entrepreneurs to easily change the conditions.
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