A sustainable alternative to current options
Soybeans are currently commonly used as a protein source in pig and poultry feed. Yet there is increasing pressure against the use of soybeans as a source of dietary protein in animal feed. The main reason for this is that growing soybeans requires a large amount of arable land and natural resources, that could be used for more sustainable types of agriculture, for example by growing food crops. Moreover, soy cannot be grown in many tropical countries in which the needed natural resources are scarce, or in countries that are too dry.
Due to high import duties, importing soybeans is almost impossible financially. Therefore, a less expensive protein source is needed. The Black Soldier Fly is a more sustainable protein source because it can be grown entirely on waste and residual streams from food production. Research has shown that pigs and poultry fed on larvae of the Black Soldier Fly are as healthy or even healthier than animals fed on soybean.