Teaching the world about Black Soldier Fly farming
At Insect School, our goal is to teach the world about Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farming. Growing BSF is the future for protein production in the feed industry. Insect School is a platform for knowledge and education on this sector.
We believe that if you are serious about changing the world, you can’t do it alone. In this way, we want to grow the community and function as a meeting place and platform for companies in the sector, to share knowledge and get started with commercial BSF farming. Because we need to work together to be able to make a difference. In that way, we can make giant leaps towards a circular food production, and provide our next generations with a sustainable future.
Insect School was founded by Insect Engineers. Our mission at Insect Engineers is to make the farming of insects a commercially interesting proposition. We are convinced that the global challenges we face in relation to sustainable food and water supplies as well as climate change can be solved only if sustainable alternatives become commercially viable. Insects – in particular the Black Soldier Fly – are the future of protein production are the future of protein production and the feed and food chain. The larvae of the BSF are an excellent source of animal protein and provide a high-quality source of nutrition for pigs, poultry, fish, pets and ultimately humans. At Insect Engineers, we develop, build and supply machines and climate systems for the global farming of insects on a commercial scale. We provide systems and solutions for the entire production process, from breeding to production and processing. Want to know more about our company?